Coffee beans journey from tropical plant to Lavazza coffee capsule

April 28, 2009

As usually I was making my breakfast coffee using Lavazza Caffe Crema Dolce coffee capsule. I could smell this aroma and fragrant going to the air at the same time my coffee was running from Lavazza capsules machine…And suddenly I came with a question – “How it is possible to get such a good quality coffee from one tiny capsule?”

My curiosity was so big that I started to search for information. And guess what? After several minutes I new the answer and now I want to shear it with you all! I want to take you to an amazing coffee beans trip from tropical plant to Lavazza coffee capsule!

Our journey starts where Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora (known as Robusta) grow at altitudes ranging from about 650 to 6,500 feet (200 to 2,000 m). These two tropical plant species produce little green berries that, as they ripen, grow to the size of a cherry that can be bright red or dark yellow. The harvest of the coffee cherries can be done by two methods: picking and stripping.


The next stage is the processing phase, where the coffee beans are separated from the fruit by eliminating the pulp and the skin. Three types of treatments can be used:
Wet processing, which is used for the most highly prized qualities of coffee, yields a product classified as ‘washed’ or ‘mild’ coffee. It is uniform in appearance and has no physical defects.
The dry processing yields what is known as ‘natural’ coffee and it has a rather uneven appearance. Immediately after the harvest, the fruit is spread out in layers and left outdoors for two or three weeks.
Semi-washed coffee is characterized by a much lower water consumption than that obtained using the wet processing method. The pulp is removed from the cherries by a pulping machine that removes the skin (epicure) as well as the pulp, making it possible to “skip” the fermentation phase.

After the elimination process the roasting phase determines the flavor of the beverage in the cup, its body and its acidity level. This is a phase that Lavazza handles with the utmost attention and carries out using the latest technologies. With roasting, the coffee beans undergo a metamorphosis. They change colour, lose weight, grow in volume and gain aroma. High temperatures allow the beans to develop their aromatic qualities.

After going under various roasting cycles, that are specially determined by Lavazza in order to enhance the body and sweetness of all the blends, the beans are grounded and packaged. Capsules are airtight sealed, this way air cannot cause any damages to the coffee blend. Coffee capsules are only opened when brewing coffee. The machine punches holes into aluminum-foiled top, it whooshes hot water through the capsule and your espresso is done.

This is where our journey ends, how single – serving capsules are produced, preserving the unmistakable aroma of a Lavazza espresso.


If you can use your fantasy and imagine this process from the beginning till the end, probably you have no doubt why millions of coffee lovers choose to drink espresso coffee from Lavazza BLUE and Espresso Point coffee capsules.

Talent is everythere! Even in a coffee cup

April 7, 2009

When we are kids we all dream about what we want to do when being grown ups. To save the world from aliens, sing the most famous pop song for a huge crowd, arrest bad guys, save millions lifes, reach the moon!.. These fantastic plans are in our heads until suddenly we start to think “logically” and realize that it is more easy to make business, work serious and regular jobs.

Maybe this is the reason why I am so proud of these who make something different, crazy, amazing. When I saw the following video on the internet the only thing I could utter was “this man is just amazing”! Sammy Lin is an artistic barista in New York, who serves about 700 lattes, espressos and cappuccino’s a day at Bottega Del Vino on East 59th Street. These aren’t ordinary drinks, for sure no – the former music teacher from China can design art work on your coffee foam such as a snowman, a blooming flower, an intricate leaf, a smiling face, a sleeping cat, or a mischievous monkey. He’s even designed a smiling Mona Lisa on a canvas of coffee foam – now that’s ambitious. I would call him a professional artist in the coffee world!

After watching these pictures designed in coffee cups I felt thirsty. Coffee brake? I went to make a cup of espresso from my favourite Lavazza BLUE Caffe Creama Dolce capsule that I order from and pressed a PLAY button again. Sammy Lin knows how to make people enjoy a cup of coffee, that’s for sure!  And there are many like him – doing things that make us astonished. That’s why we are never bored to live!